Talk about coffee talkand not only with the founders of Coffideas
September 6th, 2024
Following persons took part in the conversation:
Agnieszka Orłowska, Founder ESG Institute
Joanna Andryszczak-Lewandowska - Coffideas Ambassadors’ Leader
Dominiki Goss Co-founder Coffideas
Waldek Olbryk Co-founder Coffideas

Agnieszka: In the era of digitalization and transferring cooperation to the online world, we lose closeness and, consequently, the quality of interpersonal relationships. How does Coffideas solve this problem?
Coffideas: It may sound a bit old-fashioned, but we believe ... in man, and in the analog version, we believe in the subservient role of technology. Referring to Arthur C Clarke "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" we want it to be present, but in an invisible version. In Coffideas, technology supports conversations, listening, contact with a person selected by the algorithm, but the phone lies aside during the session. People are focused on each other.
Agnieszka: When working on the idea, did you want to address an existing problem or create a new value that no one had even thought about before?
Coffideas: At first, it was an experiment based on values (e.g. I am happy with your success), built on our experience of "pulling out" the so-called second line of a CV. Our unofficial trait, but the one that each of us has based on our passions, skills that are often not expressed, because we introduce ourselves with our company metrics or official titles. Coffideas is learning how to talk, it is "matching in a crowd" with people with different skills and focusing on a challenge or problem through an in-depth conversation. By focusing on values, we found the answer to a real problem - conversation builds relationships, commitment, prevents locking ourselves in our own silos, supports the exchange of knowledge, solving problems. At the same time, we created a new value, thanks to the fact that Coffideas fits into the ESG reporting system. In the ESG area, a large area is "S" or "Social Responsibility". How does Coffideas support the expectations set in this area? It is S (i.e. Society, Stakeholders) that turned out to be a great context for our quite natural approach, consistent with our beliefs. Through cooperation between people, based on openness, listening within the Coffideas session, we can develop our conversational and mindfulness skills, and the organization can step by step build better teams or even ideas, solutions. The series of sessions can even be reported within the recommended ESRS. All this is done in an informal way, building interpersonal relationships. From our observations, many times during the Coffideas session, participants meet colleagues with whom they had no chance to talk, even though they have been in the same company for 2-3 years.
Agnieszka: What do you see as the greatest value for users and what do you hear from them?
Coffideas: Here we will simply quote the participants:
- Finally, we talk like people.
- I didn't think I had such extraordinary colleagues in the team.
- After the Coffideas session, my problem became solvable.
These are just a few of them and we admit that we have a lot of fun every time, because the group dynamics are extraordinary and the participants complain that... it's over already... The participants of the Coffideas session leave very aware of the synergy effect they experience during the exchange in the conversation. And this is a huge individual value for each participant, and in the groups that took part in Coffideas, a sense of community and a new way of linking appear. Thanks to the fact that people get to know each other from a different side, they are more open to contact, help and building relationships outside the sessions. Coffideas is the answer to developing social dialogue at all levels.
Agnieszka: In what situations does Coffideas work best?
Coffideas: From the beginning, we thought about connecting people who are open, but would not have encountered such common commitment if not for... Coffideas. We use our format during conferences, industry meetings or within companies to meet people who are theoretically in the same company, but have never ... spoken in human terms before. Coffideas works well where we want to build the habit of conversation and cooperation through diversity. “Coffideas middle name is diversity”
Agnieszka: How do you conclude what Coffideas is?
Coffideas: Coffideas is an experiment and a lesson every time for both participants and presenters. It's great fun, where the basis is curiosity about a different perspective or the possibility of helping others in a turbo version. In Coffideas, we connect people with meaning and take an active part in building a more sustainable world.
Refer to the code “Coffideas&ESG” to obtain preferential terms of cooperation”