Poland to Introduce Deposit System for Plastic Bottles and Metal Cans.
The government has set the amounts and defined new obligations for businesses.

The government has adopted a draft law that aligns Polish legislation with the EU directive on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.
Amounts, Sizes, and Types of Packaging
The draft, approved by the government, proposes the implementation of a deposit system for single-use plastic bottles up to 3 liters, reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 liters, and metal cans up to 1 liter. The refundable fee is set at 50 grosz per packaging.
Where to Return Packaging
According to the proposed regulations, empty packaging can be returned to the store to reclaim the previously paid deposit. Large stores with an area exceeding 200 square meters will be obliged to accept empty packaging. Smaller establishments will have the option to participate voluntarily, although they will still be required to charge a deposit on applicable products. "To reclaim the deposit at the store, there will be no need to present a receipt confirming its previous payment," emphasizes the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
New Regulations for Businesses
Under the proposed deposit system, businesses introducing beverages in packaging subject to a deposit will be required to indicate the amount of the deposit on those packages. In turn, participating stores will be obligated to refund the collected deposit.
Effective Date
The new regulations are expected to come into effect on January 1, 2025.
The new law aims to increase waste segregation, recycling, reduce environmental pollution and support the circular economy.
Other EU Countries
The deposit system has been successful in countries such as Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, and Slovakia. For example, in Croatia, the deposit amounts to 0.07 euros per package, while in Germany, it is 0.25 euros for all types of packaging. In Finland, the deposit amount varies depending on the type of packaging: 0.1 euro for glass, 0.15 euro for metal, and 0.10-0.40 euro for plastic bottles, depending on their capacity.